The WFSTL accepts applications for grant programming from 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations whose programs, impact women, fit squarely within our strategic funding focus, and meet certain criteria.

Each year, WFSTL provides grants to local organizations that:
- increase access to jobs & living wages for women
- increase supports for working families
- eliminate barriers to economic success for women
We also partner with other nonprofits because we know that we make the biggest impact when we work together.

2025 Funding Priorities & Process
During the 2025 grant cycle, we awarded grants for organizational programs or advocacy efforts that align with our current strategic plan:
Increasing supports for working families such as access to safe, affordable childcare; access to paid family leave; or that otherwise remove barriers to employment for women.
Increasing family well-being and eliminating barriers to economic success for women by engaging women and their children in a 2 Generation approach.
Increasing access to jobs for women and supporting women earning a living wage (currently $54,695/year for a family of four) including workforce development/job training (with an emphasis on female-specific cohorts).