Community Engagement

Community Engagement

Women and girls in the St. Louis Region face complex and interrelated barriers on their path to achieving economic independence.

Based on themes that emerged from a series of listening sessions the Women’s Foundation of Greater Saint Louis (WFSTL) conducted in Spring of 2017, our Women in the Workplace: Employment Scorecard initiative and a report completed by graduate students at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis in Spring 2018, WFSTL adopted a policy agenda for 2018-19 that has three areas of focus:

  • Address economic exploitation of families in poverty

  • Expand access to jobs and fair wages

  • Extends support for working families

WFSTL Issue Briefs
Paid Family Leave        

Raising Missouri’s Minimum Wage

Advocacy Resources

Find Your Elected Officials Look-up

St. Louis Organizations

National Council of Jewish Women
Women’s Voices Raised for Social Justice

National Women’s Political Caucus – St. Louis
League of Women Voters 

  National Organizations

American Association of University Women
National Women’s Law Center
Institute for Women’s Policy Research